Virtual walk-through of “Drawing on Our History”
March 22, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Jagdeep Raina, "From where goodness grows" (2014), mixed media on paper. Courtesy of the artist and Cooper Cole, Toronto.
Visit "Drawing on Our History" virtually, with some of the artists and curators!
Join us for a virtual walk-through of Drawing on Our History with artists Marigold Santos, Kablusiak and Jagdeep Raina, and curators Alice Ming Wai Jim, Heather Igloliorte and Anna Khimasia.
We will convene on Zoom; please register here.
Marigold Santos pursues an inter-disciplinary art practice that examines lived experience and storytelling, presented within the otherworldly. Kablusiak explores the disconnections and connections of life in the Inuit diaspora. Jagdeep Raina’s work evokes textured local and transnational geographies of longing and belonging that emerge in the quest to establish home.
Marigold Santos was born in the Philippines and immigrated with her family to Canada in 1988. She currently lives in Calgary. Her work explores self-hood and identity that embraces multiplicity, fragmentation and empowerment, as informed by experiences of movement and migration.
Kablusiak is a multidisciplinary Inuvialuk artist and curator who uses Inuk ingenuity to create work in a variety of mediums. In all of their creative work, Kablusiak seeks to demystify Inuit art and create the space for Inuit-led representation of diverse aspects of Inuit cultures.
Jagdeep Raina was born in Guelph, Ontario. In his research-based practice, Raina utilizes the archive in order to explore historical memory. His work seeks to identify the residue left behind by the human touch, and its restorative potential.
Alice Ming Wai Jim is Professor and Concordia University Research Chair in Ethnocultural Art Histories. She is co-editor of the journal Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas (Brill with Concordia and NYU).
Heather Igloliorte (Inuk, Nunatsiavut) holds the Tier 1 University Research Chair in Circumpolar Indigenous Arts at Concordia University, where she is an associate professor in the Department of Art History. Igloliorte is part of the curatorial team for INUA, the inaugural exhibition at WAG-Qaumajuq.
Anna Khimasia is an independent curator and educator currently based in New York. She focuses on contemporary art, performance and alternative practices. In 2023, she will be teaching at both UCLA and Rutgers.