Adrian Göllner: small Trinity
August 15 - August 28, 2016
Adrian Göllner is interested in transposing elements of sound, time, and motion into other forms.
The exhibition’s title refers to “Trinity,” the US Army’s code name for its first detonation of an atomic bomb in the New Mexico desert in 1945.
Stemming from the artist’s Cold War military upbringing and evoking fears of our present societal condition, the works in small Trinity capture the shape and energy of explosions as tactile, cast forms whether in clay, bronze, or aluminum.
These sculptures allow us to examine an explosion in a stilled state, and to consider the enormous powers that humans can wield.
Curated by
Heather Anderson
Artists in the exhibition
Adrian Göllner
Presented in collaboration with the University of Ottawa’s Department of Visual Arts MFA program