Carleton Curatorial Lab (CCL): genderhow?
September 12, 2016 - February 12, 2017

This exhibition questions, challenges, and dismantles how we understand, experience and embrace intersectional gender identities and expressions.
Drawn from CUAG’s collection, these works expose and critique traditional notions of how masculinities and femininities are performed.
The photographs selected from series by Jennifer Dickson, Gabrielle de Montmollin, Becky Singleton, and Douglas Walker, and a video by Kent Monkman, encapsulate the gendered body as transformative, unstable, and temporary. These artworks radically challenge the status quo and reimagine the concept of gender as multiple, complex, violent and beautiful.
This exhibition is an invitation to radically reconsider your lived experiences with gender and how it is continuously performed, negotiated and re-performed.
Curated by
Matthew Conte and Lesley McNaughton
Artists in the exhibition
Jennifer Dickson, Gabrielle de Montmollin, Becky Singleton, Douglas Walker and Kent Monkman