David Kaarsemaker. Pictures

August 18 - September 14, 2014

David Kaarsemaker’s work explores and questions the relationship between the practice of painting, the physical world and memory.

Kaarsemaker begins with the rooms or houses that he remembers most vividly from his life, building maquettes of these spaces, which he combines with photographs, projected images, maps, grids, shadows, reflections, and views of his studio space and exterior landscapes.

These layered compositions integrate multiple, shifting points of view, as a means of reflecting on the highly mutable nature of memory.

As Kaarsemaker says, “Memories are warped by the stories we construct to fit our evolving identities. These stories, in the telling, are like architecture. We move through them, they fall apart and are repaired, and they give shape to our experience.”

Curated by

Heather Anderson

Artists in the exhibition

David Kaarsemaker


Presented in collaboration with the University of Ottawa’s Department of Visual Arts MFA program
