Jin-me Yoon: Dreaming Birds, Becoming Crane

September 17 - December 17, 2023

Jin-me Yoon asks: “How do we move forward from current conditions in the context of inherited histories of colonialism?”

In this exhibition of recent video and photographic works, Jin-me Yoon focuses on intergenerational and cross-cultural transmission of knowledges and our shared responsibility to be better stewards of the natural world of which we are a part and on which we are completely dependent.

Yoon’s video Dreaming Birds Know No Borders (2021) and companion photographs Becoming Crane (Pacific Flyways) (2022) link interstitial sites that have become bird sanctuaries on either side of the Pacific: the biodiverse Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between the Republic of Korea and North Korea, and the Maplewood Flats within the unceded ancestral territory of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation in British Columbia.

The artist’s work with youth of Korean ancestry with mixed and non-binary identities in making these works centers intergenerational knowledge transmission, relationship building, transformation and resilience.

Through a diasporic lens, Jin-me Yoon interweaves the site of the Maplewood Flats, near her home in Vancouver, with the estuary at the Korean 38th parallel, pointing to their layered histories, ecology and our shared responsibility to steward the land and its capacity for regeneration.

A PDF  exhibition guide is available in Korean, French and English

Un guide de l’exposition en PDF est disponible en coréen, en français est en anglais

여기를 누르시면  전시에 관한 정보를 한국어로 보실  있습니다.

Curated by

Heather Anderson and Anne-Marie St-Jean Aubre

Artists in the exhibition

Jin-me Yoon


Organized in collaboration with the Musée d’art de Joliette
