Live Through This: Photographs by Tony Fouhse
January 14 - March 17, 2013
Ottawa photographer Tony Fouhse encounters a wide range of people through the course of his work, including street-involved individuals in Ottawa’s Lowertown, who he has been photographing since 2007.
In June of 2010, Fouhse met Stephanie MacDonald, who was addicted to heroin, and after getting to know her, asked if there was something that he could do to help. Stephanie said she needed help to get into rehab.
Some months later they began a journey together, captured in a sequence of photographs Fouhse took of MacDonald as she struggled to get clean.
In the photographs, MacDonald doesn’t share space with much of anything or anyone. But it is obvious from MacDonald’s handwritten notes and other texts in the gallery that despite the images’ focus on her, this was not a solitary journey. MacDonald and Fouhse are present in every frame: she as subject and he as recorder and advocate.
Curated by
Robert Evans
Artists in the exhibition
Tony Fouhse