Where We Stand
September 25 - December 18, 2022

Pegi Nicol MacLeod (1904-1949), "School Garden" (c.1934), watercolour on paper, detail. Gift of Jack and Frances Barwick, 1985.
How do we locate ourselves in relation to self, community and place? Where, in other words, do we stand?
We all create, identify and shape places for ourselves in the world. This is called place-making, and it has long preoccupied artists.
Place-making involves the dynamic acts of co-constructing and interpreting the world, processes through which we form self-identity and community identity.
Where We Stand brings together artworks selected from CUAG’s collection, made by artists from the eighteenth century to the present, to explore various facets of place-making.
Through organizing this exhibition, the student curatorial team creates a symphony of voices—including their own and the artists’—that expresses the ways humans relate to and identify with particular places, whether spiritual, relational or physical. Ultimately, they join the artists in generating vital conversations about how and where we stand.
Curated by
Regatu Asefa, Amanda Boyd, Jasmin Anisa Cardillo, Ashley Carmichael, Sam Nicholls, Leah Ross, Emma Sabry, Gureena Saran
Curated by students enrolled in CURA 5001, a seminar taught by Dr. Rachelle Dickenson in the Graduate Diploma in Curatorial Studies at Carleton University