Dorset Seen


Published by CUAG

7.75" x 0.5" x 10.25"

144 pages



Featuring texts by Leslie Boyd and Sandra Dyck, and interviews with Tim Pitsiulak and Ningiukulu Teevee

Dorset Seen  considers how 20 Kinngait artists, past and present, have represented their lives and community over the last sixty years. It did not focus exclusively on the contemporary, nor did it equate earlier artists with ideas of “tradition.” Kinngait’s artists have always been inspired by their everyday lives, regardless of aesthetic conventions or market pressures.

Dorset Seen took the pulse of recent developments in the community’s art scene. To do so, it looked beyond the limited sphere of the limited edition print to survey the media where the greatest risk-taking has always occurred: drawing and carving. In their remarkable, wide-ranging works, the artists tackled Christianity and colonialism, the HBC and the RCMP, family and sport, architecture and community development, technology and transport, alcoholism and suicide.

“Standard Deviations,” an essay by Sandra Dyck, won the Curatorial Writing Award (major text over 5000 words) at the 41st annual Ontario Association of Art Galleries Awards in Toronto (2018).