Many Carleton students have “graduated” from their CUAG work experience, going on to diverse careers in the cultural sector. Here’s a list of what some of these students are up to now.
Emily Antler
At CUAG: Worked as the collections assistant (2009)
Now: Copyright officer, Publications, National Gallery of Canada
Zaynab Ashikali
At CUAG: Worked as a front desk monitor
Now: Assistant Logistics Coordinator, North America, Pacart
Marielle Aylen
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Making Faces: Canadian Portraiture Between the Wars” (1996)
Now: Part-time faculty, Department of English and Writing Studies, Western University
Rebecca Basciano
At CUAG: Graduate practicum student and research assistant (2012-13)
Now: Chief Curator, Ottawa Art Gallery
Julie Bevan
At CUAG: Co-curated her first exhibition, “The Art of Activism: Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge” (2003)
Now: Executive Director, Museum London
Alicia Boutilier
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Four Women Who Painted in the 1930s and 1940s” (1999)
Now: Chief Curator and Curator of Canadian Historical Art, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen’s University
Amy Bruce
At CUAG: Worked as a front desk monitor
Now: History & Theory Instructor, SPAO Centre, Ottawa
Jennifer Cartwright
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Song and Dance in Inuit Art” (1997)
Now: Appraiser, Cartwright Appraisals
Cayllan Cassavia
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Noriko Shinohara: Cutie and Bullie” (2016)
Now: Project Manager, Public Art, Canadian Heritage
Katie Cholette
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Gridlocked: Explorations of the Grid by Duncan de Kergommeaux” (1999)
Now: Senior Art Archivist, Library and Archives Canada
Wahsontiio Cross
At CUAG: Curated “Continuum: Abstraction in Contemporary Indigenous Art” (2016)
Now: Associate Curator, Indigenous Art, National Gallery of Canada
Ellen Cunningham
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “A Category in Question: Native Art from the Permanent Collection” (1999)
Now: Gallery and Collection Manager, McMullen Gallery, Friends of University of Alberta Hospitals, Edmonton
Annette de Stecher
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “The Past is Present: Memory and Continuity in the Tyler/Brooks Collection of Inuit Art” (2013)
Now: Assistant Professor, Critical Museology, Visual Arts of America, University of Colorado Boulder
Brian Donnelly
At CUAG: Curated his first exhibition, “Graphic Design in Canada Since 1945” (1996)
Now: Professor, Faculty of Animation, Arts and Design, Sheridan College
Augatnaaq Eccles
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Seasons of the Sun” (2023)
Now: Teacher, Nunavut Sivuniksavut
Jessica Endress
At CUAG: Guest educator (2022-23)
Now: Director of Learning and Engagement, Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George, BC
Robert Evans
At CUAG: Curated his first exhibition, “Lorraine Gilbert: Portraits from the New Forest” (2001)
Now: Interpretive Planner, Canadian Museum of Human Rights
Nathan Flis
At CUAG: Curated his first exhibition, “The Nature of Beasts in 17th-Century Prints” (2013)
Now: Publications manager, Yale Centre for British Art
Leanne Gaudet
At CUAG: Co-curated her first exhibition, “Formline Modern: The MacDonald Collection” (2014)
Now: Coordinator, Digitization and Digital Assets, National Gallery of Canada
Jennifer Gibson
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Qiviuq: A Legend in Art” (1995)
Now: Director/Curator, Gallery 1C03, University of Winnipeg
Pauline Goutain
At CUAG: Co-curated “Imaginary Worlds: Scottie Wilson and Art Brut” (2014)
Now: Assistant Director, Musée d’art Roger Quilliot, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Catherine Hale
At CUAG: Curated her second exhibition, “Conversation Pieces: African Textiles from Barbara and Bill McCann’s Collection” (2011)
Now: Curator, Creative Campus, Sheridan College
Kyle Huth
At CUAG: Worked as the collections assistant (2012)
Now: Archival Assistant, Library and Archives Canada
Heather Igloliorte
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Drawn Together: Cape Dorset Graphic Artists” (2005)
Now: Canada Excellence Research Chair in Decolonial and Transformational Indigenous Art Practices, University of Victoria
Robyn Jeffrey
At CUAG: Curated “Mark Up: The Character of Drawing” (1999)
Now: Manager, Digital Engagement and Publications, Canadian Museum of History
Olivia Johnston
At CUAG: Worked as a front desk monitor
Now: Deputy Creative Director, SPAO Centre, Ottawa
Sonya Jones
At CUAG: Worked as a front desk monitor
Now: Interim Senior Curator, Robert McLaughlin Gallery
Andrew Kear
At CUAG: Curated his first exhibition, “Moving Targets: Redrawing the Boundaries of Portraiture” (2004)
Now: Head of Collections, Exhibitions and Programs, Museum London
Kwende Kefentse
At CUAG: Worked as a front desk monitor
Now: Executive Director, CKCU
Anna Khimasia
At CUAG: Student representative on the Advisory Board (2005-08)
Now: Instructor, Contemporary Art, University of California, Los Angeles, and Rutgers University; Co-founder, International Arrivals; Collaborator, Fait Maison
Andrea Kunard
At CUAG: Graduate research assistant (1994-95)
Now: Senior Curator, Photographs Collection, National Gallery of Canada
Christine Lalonde
At CUAG: Co-curated her first exhibition, “Patiently I Sing: Selections from the Tyler/Brooks Collection of Inuit Art” (1994)
Now: Associate Curator, Canadian Art, National Gallery of Canada
Claudette Lauzon
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Motherlines: Works on Paper by Ann Beam” (2003)
Now: Associate Professor and Associate Director, School for the Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University
Genevieve Landreville
At CUAG: Worked as a front desk monitor
Now: Program Officer, Canada Council for the Arts
Katie Lydiatt
At CUAG: Graduate research assistant (2019-20)
Now: Gallery manager, SPAO Centre, Ottawa
Zoë MacNeil
At CUAG: Student representative on the Advisory Board (2012-14)
Now: Chief of People and Operations, Ottawa Art Gallery
Evangeline Mann
At CUAG: Graduate research assistant (2021-22)
Now: Processing archivist, Appleby College, Oakville, ON
Karla McManus
At CUAG: Co-curated “Black Against White: John J.A. Murphy, Master of the Modern Wood Engraving” (2008)
Now: Assistant Professor, Visual Arts, University of Regina
Nancy McCarthy
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Myth and History: Prints from the Collection” (2005)
Now: Curator, Parks Canada
EJ McGillis
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Sun K. Kwak: Untying Space_CUAG” (2018)
Now: Assistant Curator, Photographs Collection, National Gallery of Canada
Lesley McNaughton
At CUAG: Co-curated “genderhow?” (2017)
Now: Curatorial Assistant, Ottawa Art Gallery
Wendy Moir
At CUAG: Co-curated “Black Against White: John J.A. Murphy, Master of the Modern Wood Engraving” (2008)
Now: Instructor, Ottawa School of Art; Educator, Ottawa Art Gallery
Alexandra Kahsenni:io Nahwegahbow
At CUAG: Curated “Always Vessels” (2017)
Now: Lecturer, Department of History, Carleton University
Nicole Neufeld
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Intersections: Photographs of the City” (2007)
Now: Program Manager, Development and Marketing, River Run Centre, Guelph
Diane Pellicone
At CUAG: Graduate practicum student (2013)
Now: Art and Archives Moves Manager, TD Corporate Collection, Toronto
John Potvin
At CUAG: Curated his first exhibition, “Provocation to Conversation: The Lithography of Otis Tamasauskas, 1984-1997” (2001)
Now: Professor, Art History, Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University
Kristyn Rolanty
At CUAG: Co-curated her first exhibition, “Formline Modern: The George and Joanne MacDonald Collection of Northwest Coast Graphic Art” (2014)
Now: Project Manager, Exhibitions, Art Gallery of Ontario
Amy Rose
At CUAG: Curated two exhibitions, including “Going Public: Two Local Collections”
Now: Head, Reference Services, Library, National Gallery of Canada
Christine Sadler
At CUAG: Worked as a front desk monitor
Now: Principal, Sadler Art Advisory
Phoebe Sampey
At CUAG: Graduate research assistant (2020-21)
Now: Gallery manager, Wall Space
Laura Schneider
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “Not a Trivial Pursuit: Hunting in Inuit Art” (2008)
Now: Executive Director, The Reach, Abbotsford
Rebecca Semple
At CUAG: Co-curated “Quill Boxes from Mnidoo Mnising” (2018)
Now: Public Programs Coordinator, Dalhousie Art Gallery
Elizabeth Stewart
At CUAG: Co-curated “On Location: Human Interventions in the Landscape” (2019)
Now: Exhibitions and publications manager, the museum box
Danielle Siemens
At CUAG: Graduate student representative on the Advisory Board (2015-16)
Now: Collections Manager and Curatorial Associate, Art Gallery of Alberta
Danuta Sierhuis
At CUAG: Curated her first exhibition, “The 3rd Carleton Community Art Exhibition” (2014)
Now: Digital Development Coordinator, Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Natalie Spagnol
At CUAG: Worked as a front desk monitor
Now: Manager, Administration and Operations, The Image Centre
Eric Weichel
At CUAG: Curated “Women’s Faces, Women’s Places: Life and Gender in Eighteenth Century France, 1666-1822” (2007)
Now: Assistant Professor, Fine Art, Nipissing University