Visiting this spring
In line with the Ontario university sector, Carleton University requires each visitor to campus to be fully vaccinated and to wear a mask.
Two steps for civic visitors (NOT a Carleton student, staff or faculty member)
You must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and wear a mask. Bring your vaccine passport (either virtual or on paper) and a piece of ID. We will check your ID and use the Verify Ontario app to scan your passport.
Book a visit in advance. Our hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 12 – 5 pm. Please pre-book a one-hour time slot for your visit, either through Eventbrite or by calling us at (613) 520-2120 during our open hours.
Two steps for Carleton University visitors (students, staff, faculty)
You must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and wear a mask. You must have a cuScreen account and show us your “green” status on your phone when you enter.
Book a visit in advance. Our hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 12 – 5 pm. Please pre-book a one-hour time slot for your visit, either through Eventbrite or by calling us at (613) 520-2120 during our open hours.
The tunnel system is currently closed to the public. Please enter / exit the gallery through the main outdoor entrance to the building.
If you are unable to use the stairs, please book a visit through Eventbrite and then call us at (613) 520-2120. We’ll make sure you can access the gallery safely.
Staying in touch (while social distancing!)
We’re not currently hosting any in-person events. You’ll be happy know that our free public programming is continuing, online. Please join our e-list to receive updates and get involved.
Questions or comments?
We want to make sure your experience is as safe and welcoming as possible. If you have any questions, or feedback on how we can improve, please email Sandra Dyck.
An important note
Visiting any public space where people come together, like Carleton University Art Gallery, produces a risk of exposure to COVID-19. By being in public spaces and entering Carleton University Art Gallery you voluntarily assume these risks.